Prerequisite Subjects

To enter into a university course you must complete the prerequisite subjects and acheive the required scores. The standard VCE score requirement is a 25 raw study score. The standard IB score requirements is a 3 for Higher Level (HL) or 4 for Standard Level (SL). Even with an ATAR of 99.95, you will not be able to study a course if you have not completed the prerequisite subjects or achieved the required scores.

Every course will require the completion of VCE 3/4 English (this can include English, Literature, English Language or EAL) or IB Language and Literature SL or HL.

In Victoria, University of Melbourne and Monash University have the strictest entry requirements. As a general guide, if you satisfy the prerequisite subjects for these universities, you will satisfy the requirements for other universities in the state.

Below is a summary of common courses and their prerequisites. This is designed as a guide. You can check the entry requirements for all Victorian courses using VTAC Coursesearch (please see guide for instructions). You can also view the Prerequisites for 2027 Guide, which provides all course prerequisites, ordered by University institution.

Using International Baccalaureate Subjects to Meet Prerequisites

The IB subjects offered at SCHS are designed to meet the prerequisite requirements for university courses across Victoria. Below table shows the equivalent IB subject for each VCE prerequisite subject. The VTAC Prerequisite Tool also shows IB subjects that satisfy each prerequisite requirement.

IB VCE Equivalent Subjects 2021.JPG

IB Prerequisite Example

Monash Bachelor of Biomedical Science requires VCE:

  • English

  • Mathematics Methods

  • Chemistry

An IB student can meet these requirements by studying:

  • Language and Literature SL/HL

  • Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL/HL

  • Chemistry SL/HL



Bachelor of Architectural Design

A Bachelor of Architectural Design can provide a shorter pathway to the Master of Architecture, which is required to become an accredited architect with AACA. Some architecture courses require a portfolio (e.g. RMIT Bachelor of Architectural Design).

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Visual Communication and Design, Studio Arts, Media

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Architectural Design


Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts is a broad course, allowing students to study humanities. Majors can include History, Politics, International Studies, Sociology, Languages, Psychology, Media and Communications, Criminology, English, etc.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Global Politics, History, Economics, Psychology, Chinese, French, Latin, Legal Studies

Example Course: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science (also called Biomedicine) is designed for students wishing to study the human body. These courses often lead towards research pathways. Please note Biomedical Science does not qualify students to be a medical doctors, but can provide pathways to graduate medical degrees.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematical Methods, Chemistry

Related Subjects: Biology, Health and Human Development

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Biomedical Science


Bachelor of Business/Commerce

Business (also called Commerce) allows students to develop their knowledge in Accounting, Economics, Management, Finance, and Marketing. Some Business/Commerce courses do not require Mathematics Methods for entry.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematical Methods

Related Subjects: Accounting, Business Management, Economics, (Specialist Mathematics for Actuarial Studies)

Example Course: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Commerce

Example Course without Mathematics Methods: La Trobe: Bachelor of Commerce


Bachelor of Computer Science/IT

Universities offer Information Technology, Information Systems and Computer Science courses. These courses focus on different aspects of computing. Some Computer Science/IT courses do not require Mathematics Methods for entry, but require 2 units of Mathematics.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematical Methods

Related Subjects: Computing, Specialist Mathematics

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Computer Science

Example Course without Mathematics Methods: Swinburne University: Bachelor of Computer Science (requires any Mathematics)


Bachelor of Dental Science

La Trobe University offers the only undergraduate dentistry course in Victoria, located on their Bendigo campus. Students are not required to complete the Undergraduate Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) for entry.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Biology, Health and Human Development

Example Course: La Trobe University: Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours)


Bachelor of Design

The Bachelor of Design allows students to consider how design of materials, spaces and communication can assist the user to have a positive experience.

Major Options: Industrial Design, Spatial Design, Communication Design, Collaborative Design

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Media, Studio Arts, Visual Communication and Design

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Design


Bachelor of Engineering

The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) is a 4 year course resulting in professional accreditation. Within the course students can specialise in a specific field of engineering, including Civil, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Mechatronic, Electrical, and Chemical.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematical Methods, and one of Physics or Chemistry

Related Subjects: Specialist Mathematics, Computing, Algorithmics

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) 

Example Course without Mathematics Methods: Victoria University: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) (requires any Mathematics)


Bachelor of Exercise Science/Sports Science

Sports scientists work with athletes to ensure peak performance. These courses can lead to coaching and conditioning roles in professional sporting organisations.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Physical Education, Health and Human Development, Biology

Example Course: Deakin University: Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science


Bachelor of Fine Arts

Fine Arts allows students be develop their creative thinking. The course requires an audition, portfolio or interview for entry. Students can major in Acting, Theatre, Animation, Dance, Film and TV, Production, Screenwriting, and Visual Art.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Media, Studio Arts, Theatre Studies, Visual Communication and Design

Example Course: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Fine Arts (requires Portfolio and Interview)


Bachelor of Laws

A Bachelor of Laws allows students to pursue registration with the Victorian Bar Association, and becoming a practicing lawyer. Please note some courses (Bachelor of Legal Studies) are not approved by the Bar Association.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Legal Studies

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Laws (Honours)


Bachelor of Medical Imaging

Medical Imaging and Radiography trains students to scan the body for injury or disease. There are four universities offering this type of Bachelor course in Victoria: Deakin, Monash, RMIT and CQU.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Maths, and Biology or Physics

Related Subjects: Chemistry, Health and Human Development, Physical Education

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours)

Bachelor of Medicine

Monash is the only Victorian university to offer undergraduate medicine. Entry into this course is extremely competitive and requires a 98+ ATAR, University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) and an interview for entry.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Chemistry

Related Subjects: Biology, Health and Human Development, Physical Education

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Medical Studies/Master of Medicine

Bachelor of Music

The Bachelor of Music requires audition and interview for entry. The guide level for entry is AMEB Grade 7. 

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Music Performance

Example Course: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Music (requires Audition)

Bachelor of Nursing

Students can also combine Nursing and Midwifery. The combination degree has the same prerequisite subjects as the Bachelor of Nursing, but a higher ATAR requirement.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, 2 units of General Mathematics or Mathematics Methods

Related Subjects: Biology, Health and Human Development

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Nursing

Example Course without Mathematics: Australian Catholic University: Bachelor of Nursing


Bachelor of Nutrition Science

Students can study the link between diet and disease, leading to work as a nutritionist. Students can pursue graduate study to become a dietitian after this course.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, and one of Chemistry or Biology

Related Subjects: Food Studies, Health and Human Development

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Nutrition Science


Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can be studied at the undergraduate level at Monash, La Trobe, ACU or VU.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, and two of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Methods, Specialist Mathematics, or Physics

Related Subjects: Health and Human Development, Physical Education

Example Course: Monash University: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)


Bachelor of Psychology

Psychology can be studied within Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). These courses are the first step in the 6 year APAC Registration Pathway to becoming a psychologist.

Prerequisite Subjects (for Bachelor of Psychology or Bachelor of Arts): English

Related Subjects: Psychology

Example Courses: Monash University: Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)


Bachelor of Science

Science is a broad course, allowing students to specialise in a variety of science areas. At the completion of a science degree, students can pursue a research career through additional study (Honours, Masters, or PhD.) Please note some Science degrees do not require Mathematics Methods, but require completion of any 3/4 mathematics.

Prerequisite Subjects: English, Mathematics Methods, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Specialist Mathematics

Related Subjects: Computing, Psychology, Health and Human Development

Example Course: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Science

Example Course without Mathematics Methods: Swinburne University: Bachelor of Science (requires any Mathematics)


Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Optometry

Deakin University provides the only undergraduate Optometry course in Victoria.

Prerequisite Subjects: English

Related Subjects: Biology, Health and Human Development

Example Course: Deakin University: Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Optometry