ATAR Calculation Guide

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is the main selection requirement for entry into undergraduate courses in Australia. This guide explains how VCE and IB scores are converted into an ATAR.

VCE ATAR Calculation

The first step to calculating an ATAR is adding a student’s study scores to form an aggregate score. The aggregate is calculated by adding:

  • 100% of a student's English (or EAL, English Literature or English Language) scaled score

  • 100% of a student's top 3 subject scaled scores

  • 10% of the remaining 2 subject scaled scores

The subjects that contribute 100% of their score are known as the Top 4.

Some courses offer Bonus Aggregate Points for related subjects. You can check these Bonus Points using VTAC Coursesearch.

The aggregate score is then converted in an ATAR using a conversion table.

Example VCE ATAR Calculation

Below is an example of the ATAR calculation. Please see the VTAC ATAR and Scaling Guide for additional examples of ATAR calculations.

ATAR calculation.PNG

VCE Subject Scaling


International Baccalaureate (IB) Scores and ATAR Conversion

IB students receive between 1 and 7 points for each of their six academic subjects. They also receive between 1 and 3 points for their Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and Extended Essay (EE) projects. No points are awarded for the Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) project, however this project must be completed to pass IB. These points are added to gain a score out of 45.

The IB score is then converted to an ATAR using a conversion table.

Example IB ATAR Calculation

Below is an example of the ATAR calculation.

IB Score Example 2021.JPG